Carlos Fabian Silva

What do you see in your head when you think of the best companies in the world? /feed/update/urn:li:activity:7067831737321500672/

What do you see in your head when you think of the best companies in the world?
You're probably thinking of big names in the tech and online gaming industries, like AppleAmazon,Tesla & Microsoft.

But do you know that these multi-billion or even trillion dollar companies actually started out of a garage?

These big bosses like Jeff Bezos Elon Musk and Bill Gates that we know today were once regular people trying to make a living out of their garages.
The history from its humble beginnings in the garages to the multi-million dollar companies that they are today, are examples of resilience, but more importantly, vision beyond the conventional to envision a better future.

Contrary to popular belief, Tesla wasn’t an overnight success. The company was founded in 2003 by two Silicon Valley engineers, Martin Eberhard & Marc Tarpenning, who wanted to prove that "electric vehicles can be better, faster, and more fun to drive than gasoline-powered cars."
Tesla was officially incorporated in 2003 with the goal of inventing an electric car that was powerful, beautiful, and zero emissions.

And now the surprise: like all these Bravo Motor Company Brasil started in a small space in Paternal, in the city of Buenos Aires.
The story of an enterprising, industrial architect Miguel Angel Bravo from the area of ​​Innovation begins, who takes advantage of the initial impulse to create a car for his son, to later create an automotive company from a blank sheet of paper, ready to be one of the industry disruptors.

The Colossus Cluster in the state of MG will be the largest Industry 4.0 center announced to date in Brazil.
Devoted to global #decarbonization, using its own technology to manufacture next-generation #liionbatteries for its EV vehicles developed for #MaaS and #BESS.
In addition, through its EVShare foundation, helping companies and communities achieve the #netzerogoals, which are undoubtedly the greatest challenge to overcome the climate change crisis.

As a person and a professional, I’m very proud of my history in the industry and have had the opportunity to be involved in the drivers of the most important changes in the industry of this century.

ABB SMC Automação do Brasil Rockwell Automation WEG Bradesco Ford Motor Company General Motors Stellantis South America Renault Group BYD GWM Brasil DXC Technology EY McKinsey & Company Luxoft Stefanini Brasil Fundação de Apoio da UFMG - Fundep SENAI FIEMG SEBRAE Invest Minas Governo do Estado de Minas Gerais Governo do Estado de São Paulo Governo do Brasil Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Ministério do Meio Ambiente e Mudança do Clima IDB Bank CAF - banco de desarrollo de América Latina